Home-Show-Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China

Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China

Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China Puzzle Spiel

Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing ChinaActors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China

Actors with Shields and Axes at Temple of Earth Ditan Park in Beijing China Beschreibung: 
Actors with shields and axes which participate in a performance of an ancient ceremony of the Qing Dynasty during the celebrations for the Lunar New Year at the Temple of Earth, Ditan Park in Beijing China (Feb 2, 2011).

deutsch english bulgarian russian spanish 
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