Home-Art-Bridge of Hope and The Untold Story by Josephine Wall

Bridge of Hope and The Untold Story by Josephine Wall

Bridge of Hope and The Untold Story by Josephine Wall - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Bridge of Hope and The Untold Story by Josephine Wall Beschreibung: 
'Bridge of Hope' and 'The Untold Story' are two wonderful paintings by the English artist Josephine Wall. Inspired by the nature, she depicts strange and surrealistic worlds, where the mind of the viewer can roams freely, offering varied interpretations depending of the imagination. The mother nature is holding out the hand with all her gentleness and beauty, forming a bridge of hope for the mankind, to welcome us into world with more fulfilling way of life, if we express willingness, to ensure the welfare and the wonders of the earth.

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