Home-Animals-Capercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper

Capercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper

Capercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper - Rating: Rating:

Capercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper puzzle game

Capercaillie in Scottish Highland WallpaperCapercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper

Capercaillie in Scottish Highland Wallpaper Description: 
Wallpaper with an unique male capercaillie with its tail feathers raised in a fan, that roams the pinewoods in the Scottish Highland.
Capercaillie is the largest member of the grouse family, like an adult male can weigh up to 5kg (about the size of a female wild turkey).
Sadly, the Scottish population of Capercaillie is on the verge of extinction, because of habitat loss and fragmentation, deer fences and disturbance, particularly during the breeding season.

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