Home-Cartoons-Cat and Rooster in the Yard by Aniel-AK on DeviantArt

Cat and Rooster in the Yard by Aniel-AK on DeviantArt

Cat and Rooster in the Yard by Aniel-AK on DeviantArt - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Cat and Rooster in the Yard by Aniel-AK on DeviantArt Beschreibung: 
'Cat and Rooster in the Yard' is a beautiful illustration by Aniel-AK on DeviantArt (Anna from Ukraine, born May 13, 1991) in a mini-book for the youngest children of the Ukrainian publishing house 'Zirka'. Aniel-AK (Anna) is an artist and student in digital art, who likes drawings, paintings and illustrations of storybooks.

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