Home-Flowers-Cauliflower Mushroom

Cauliflower Mushroom

Cauliflower Mushroom - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Cauliflower Mushroom Beschreibung: 
Cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis crispa) grows as a parasite on the roots of various species of hardwoods, especially oak and conifers. It is an edible mushroom with exceptional taste, and because of its unique appearance and size, is unlikely to be confused with inedible mushrooms. Cauliflower mushrooms are normally 10 to 25 cm tall, but are found specimens with fruiting bodies more than half a meter tall and 14 kg in weight. Before use it should be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and pine needles. Cauliflower mushroom is good for drying and using for soups as it retains its cartilaginous texture.

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