Начало-Art-Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin

Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin

Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry RedlinChristmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin

Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: Christmas, memories, memory, morning, frost, Terry, Redlin, art, arts, holiday, holidays, serie, series, paintings, painting, unique, stories, story, man, men, nature, to, heartfelt, life, town, America, light, winter, air, icy, coating, precursor, snow, surroundings, horse, wagon, passengers, church, bridge, dog, boy
Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin - Дата: Дата: 29.12.2020 05:57
Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin - Просмотров: Просмотров: 5230
Christmas Memories Morning Frost by Terry Redlin Описание: 
The serie of paintings 'Christmas Memories' has a unique stories to tell. The 'Morning Frost', painted in 2001, connects man and nature to heartfelt memories of life in small town in America.
The heavy frost glistens in the morning light. Winter is in the air. The icy coating is a precursor to the snow that will soon blanket the surroundings. As the horse-drawn wagon and its passengers leave the church and cross the covered bridge, only the dog knows that a young boy crouched is hiding there.

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