Principal-Flowers-Crocus Sativus Saffron

Crocus Sativus Saffron

Crocus Sativus Saffron - Clasificación Clasificación

Crocus Sativus Saffron Descripción 
Saffron is among the world's most costly spices, which is derived from the blossom of Crocus sativus (family Iridaceae), whose dried stigmas are used as a seasoning and colouring agent. It is a domesticated perennial plant, by origin from Greece and widespread to Southwest Asia, which is flowering in the autumn. Crocus sativus contains safranal and crocin, which according to animal studies have aphrodisiac properties and in traditional medicine are used at insomnia and anxiety, as for a protection at ischemic heart with myocardial infarction.

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