Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA пазл игру

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Начало - -Animals - -Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA

Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA - пазл игру#2672

Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA. 'Nani', a Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner Sennenhund) on a surf board in tandem with her team mates from 'SoCal Surf Dogs' club in San Diego, California , 'Dozer' an English Buldog, 'Ricochet' a Golden Retriever and 'Toby' a Shi Tzu Mix, during the competition 'Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon' of Helen Woodward Animal Center in Del Mar, San Diego County, California, USA (2010), an event which each year showcases the surfing talents of dogs, and serves for fundraising to help pets. This photo was displayed on the PR Newswire Big Screen in Times Square New York and Las Vegas..Решайте бесплатные онлайн Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA пазл игру

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'Nani', a Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner Sennenhund) on a surf board in tandem with her team mates from 'SoCal Surf Dogs' club in San Diego, California , 'Dozer' an English Buldog, 'Ricochet' a Golden Retriever and 'Toby' a Shi Tzu Mix, during the competition 'Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon' of Helen Woodward Animal Center in Del Mar, San Diego County, California, USA (2010), an event which each year showcases the surfing talents of dogs, and serves for fundraising to help pets. This photo was displayed on the PR Newswire Big Screen in Times Square New York and Las Vegas..

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Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA пазл игру #2672

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Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA

Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA Слова для поиска: dogs, dog, surfing, talents, talent, Surf-a-Thon, Del, Mar, California, USA, animals, animal, places, place, travel, travels, tour, tours, trip, trips, Nani, Bernese, Mountain, mountains, Berner, Sennenhund, surf, board, boards, tandem, tandems, team, teams, mates, mate, SoCal, club, clubs, San, Diego, Dozer, English, Buldog, Ricochet, Golden, Retriever, Toby, Shi, Tzu, Mix, competition, competitions, Helen, Woodward, Center, centers, county, counties, 2010, event, events, pets, pet, photo, potos, PR, Newswire, Big, Screen, Times, Square, New, York, Las, Vegas
Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA - Дата: Дата: 26.10.2012 16:20
Dogs Surfing Talents Surf-a-Thon Del Mar California USA - Просмотров: Просмотров: 10334

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