Home-Cartoons-Duck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage Postcard

Duck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage Postcard

Duck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage Postcard - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Duck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage PostcardDuck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage Postcard

Duck with Christmas Best Wishes Vintage Postcard Beschreibung: 
Beautiful vintage postcard for Christmas with the 'Best Wishes', depicting an adorable duck dressed up for Christmas with all symbols, cap, shoes, bells, holly and berries. A bird as Christmas decoration means a happiness and good news. The bells have always have been signified the spread of good tidings, joy and peace. Christmas bells are also associated with a call to prayer.
The duck says 'Quack', which means 'Hope your Christmas Day is jolly'.

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