Home-Art-Express Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti

Express Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti

Express Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Express Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti Puzzle Spiel

Express Train to Christmas by Marcello CortiExpress Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti

Express Train to Christmas by Marcello Corti Beschreibung: 
'Express Train to Christmas' is a beautiful festive scene, that brings the spirit of Christmas, painted by the Italian artist Marcello Corti, depicting a decorated Christmas tree and a train with steam locomotive in a snowy night.
Marcello Corti, born in Bergamo in 1961, is a hugely popular illustrator, who uses various techniques, such as watercolor, oil, pencil and charcoal.

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