Home-Food-Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita'

Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita'

Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' - Rating: Rating:

Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' puzzle game

Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita'Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita'

Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' - Tags: - Tags: fast, food, foods, pizza, 'Margherita', Neapolitan, tomatoes, Mozzarella, basil, extra-virgin, olive, oil, kind, kinds
Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' - Date: Date: 23.04.2010 19:44
Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' - Played: Played: 9797
Fast Food Pizza 'Margherita' Description: 
The pizza 'Margherita' is a Neapolitan fast food with tomatoes, Mozzarella, basil and extra-virgin olive oil, used as a base for most kinds of pizza.

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