Home-Art-Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky

Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky

Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky Puzzle Spiel

Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan SmolenskyFine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky

Fine Art Obeying the Quantum Rulebook by Susan Smolensky Beschreibung: 
'Obeying the Quantum Rulebook' (fine art, oil on linen, 2011), a jockey in pastel colours, who is in harmony with the wild beauty of the landscape in time and space, a painting by the American contemporary artist Susan Smolensky, who is living and working in Reno, Nevada, USA.

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