Principal-Art-Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky

Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky

Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky - Clasificación Clasificación

Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky juego de puzzle

Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan SmolenskyFirefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky

Firefighter Jeremy Slocum and Stethoscope by Susan Smolensky Descripción 
Portraits of 'Firefighter Jeremy Slocum' and of a girl with 'Stethoscope', paintings by Susan Smolensky, who is living and working in Reno, Nevada, United States, a member of the esteemed group of artists known as '10 Everyday Painters'.

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