Principal-Flowers-Hedgehog Cactus near Big Indian Gorge in Southeastern Oregon

Hedgehog Cactus near Big Indian Gorge in Southeastern Oregon

Hedgehog Cactus near Big Indian Gorge in Southeastern Oregon - Clasificación Clasificación

Hedgehog Cactus near Big Indian Gorge in Southeastern Oregon Descripción 
A lovely blossom of hedgehog cactus, nestled in the rocks, near the 'Big Indian Gorge', a glacial gorge where is passing one of the easiest hiking trails of the Steens Mountain in Southeastern Oregon. The hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii), also called Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus, has bright pink flowers in spring, which are closing at night and are opening again in the morning and edible fruits with taste like strawberries.

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