Начало-Flowers-Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea

Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea

Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Honey Mushrooms Armillaria MelleaHoney Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea

Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: honey, mushrooms, mushroom, Armillaria, Mellea, flowers, flower, food, foods, oak, oaks, genus, parasitic, fungus, trees, tree, woody, shrubs, shrub, colour, clusters, cluster, fall, rains, rain, climates, climate, dead, wood, living, plants, plant, firm, meaty, texture, textures, caps, cap, dried, soups, soup, stews, stew, bread, people, buttons, button, pickle
Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea - Дата: Дата: 11.11.2014 15:54
Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea - Просмотров: Просмотров: 8064
Honey Mushrooms Armillaria Mellea Описание: 
Honey Mushrooms (Armillaria mellea), also known as the 'oak mushroom', are a genus of parasitic fungus that live on trees and woody shrubs. These mushrooms with colour like honey typically appear in large clusters on trees in the fall after rains, but are found nearly year-round in warmer climates. Honey mushroom grows on dead wood as well as on living plants and is capable of attacking and killing many kinds of trees, especially oaks. This mushroom has firm meaty texture. Only the caps are used. When dried it is used in soups, stews and for mushroom bread. Many people use the buttons for pickle.

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