Home-Nature-Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria

Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria

Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria - Rating: Rating:

Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria puzzle game

Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains BulgariaHorseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria

Horseshoe Meander on Arda River in Rhodope Mountains Bulgaria Description: 
Picturesque view of the famous meander on the Arda river in shape of a horseshoe, with amazing size and spaciousness, known as 'The Turn', located near the 'Kardzhali' dam in the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria. Along the banks of the Arda river there are small beaches with fine golden sand, which according to the urban legends is a gold-bearing.

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