Начало-Cartoons-Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu

Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu

Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master ShifuKung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu

Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: Kung, Fu, Panda, Master, Shifu, Po, cartoon, cartoons, film, films, movie, movies, picture, pictures, adventure, adventures, comedy, comedies, martial, arts, art, action, actions, trainer, trainers, greatest, warriors, warrior, ancient, China, Oogway, hope, hopes, Tai, Lung
Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu - Дата: Дата: 15.09.2010 09:01
Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu - Просмотров: Просмотров: 16349
Kung Fu Panda the Trainer Master Shifu Описание: 
The trainer of all the greatest warriors in ancient China, Master Shifu from 'Kung Fu Panda', was convinced by Master Oogway to train Po in martial arts, as he is the only their hope to defeat Tai Lung.

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