Home-Holidays-Lazarus Saturday in Bulgaria

Lazarus Saturday in Bulgaria

Lazarus Saturday in Bulgaria - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Lazarus Saturday in Bulgaria Beschreibung: 
The 'Lazarus Saturday' known as 'Lazarovden' in Bulgaria is one of the most colorful and cheerful holidays in the Bulgarian national calendar, which is traditionally organized and celebrated only by women.
According to the Bulgarian folk tradition, 'Lazarovden' or 'Lazaritsa' is the day that marks the transformation of adolescent girls into girls for marriage.
The girls, named 'lazarki' tour the houses of the village, performing a traditional procession 'Lazaruvane'. Dressed in new costumes, decorated with wreaths and flowers, they go around rural homes, singing festive ritual songs, and performing ritual dance, blessing for health, happiness, and a prosperity. The girls, also bless pastures, forests and fields with wish for a rich harvest of wheat.

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