Начало-Art-Lion by Leonid Afremov

Lion by Leonid Afremov

Lion by Leonid Afremov - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Lion by Leonid Afremov пазл игру

Lion by Leonid AfremovLion by Leonid Afremov

Lion by Leonid Afremov - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: lion, lions, Leonid, Afremov, art, arts, animals, animal, beautiful, painting, paintings, tribute, power, king, kings, beasts, beast, oil, canvas, palette, knife, Russian, Israeli, artist, artists, painter, painters, majestic, symbol, symbols, confidence, respect
Lion by Leonid Afremov - Дата: Дата: 17.01.2021 11:51
Lion by Leonid Afremov - Просмотров: Просмотров: 5626
Lion by Leonid Afremov Описание: 
'Lion' is a beautiful painting with a tribute to power of the king of the beasts (oil on canvas with palette knife) by the Russian-Israeli artist Leonid Afremov (1955-2019). The painter depicts the most majestic of all animals as a symbol of the quiet confidence and self-respect.

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