Home-Animals-Lynx Kitten Wallpaper

Lynx Kitten Wallpaper

Lynx Kitten Wallpaper - Rating: Rating:

Lynx Kitten Wallpaper puzzle game

Lynx Kitten WallpaperLynx Kitten Wallpaper

Lynx Kitten Wallpaper Description: 
Wallpaper with an adorable little Eurasian lynx kitten, with an innate posture of a hunter.
There are four different species of lynx. The Eurasian and Iberian lynxes live in Europe and Asia, and bobcats and Canada lynx live in North America, and vary in size, fur color and patterning.
Lynx are wild animals and should not be kept as pets since they are not suited to human contact and might attack humans if they feel threatened. Usually avoid humans in the wild.

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