Home-Holidays-Martenitsa and Snowdrops Heralds of Spring Wallpaper

Martenitsa and Snowdrops Heralds of Spring Wallpaper

Martenitsa and Snowdrops Heralds of Spring Wallpaper - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Martenitsa and Snowdrops Heralds of Spring Wallpaper Beschreibung: 
Wallpaper with lovely photo of snowdrops, that are nestling on an unusual place between the stones, perhaps grown up from seeds, placed by ants or squirrels into the crevice of the wall. The white and red tassels of Bulgarian martenitsa, symbolize the wishes for good health, prosperity and happiness in human life, and as well as snowdrops, are heralds of the coming of spring.

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