Home-Holidays-Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin

Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin

Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin Puzzle Spiel

Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by PlaksinMatryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin

Matryoshka and Lace Illustration by Plaksin Beschreibung: 
Beautiful illustration by A. Plaksin, used on greeting postcard for March 8, the International Women's Day, printed in Soviet Union circa 1981, featuring traditional Russian dolls 'Matryoshka' and 'Lace'.

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