Home-Art-Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy

Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy

Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy Puzzle Spiel

Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome ItalyMichelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy

Michelangelo Christ the Judge Last Judgement Fragment Sistine Chapel Basilica Saint Peter Vatican Rome Italy Beschreibung: 
A fragment of 'Last Judgement' (1537-1541) 'Christ the Judge', the largest single fresco from the 'High Renaissance', painted by Michelangelo on the altar's wall of the Sistine Chapel, the Basilica 'Saint Peter' in Vatican, Rome, Italy.

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