Начало-Flowers-Multicolor Primroses

Multicolor Primroses

Multicolor Primroses - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Multicolor Primroses пъзел игра

Multicolor PrimrosesMulticolor Primroses

Multicolor Primroses Описание: 
The multicolor primroses are found in a wide variety of colors, including purple, blue, pink, white, orange, red, and yellow with almost always a rich yellow eyes.
The brightly colored primroses (Primula) provide a good mood in the winter. They are among the first flowering plants in the new year and correspond to their name, because 'Primula' means 'the first'. The flowers of the primrose are one of the first spring messengers and appear from February to May.

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