Home-Cartoons-New Year Wolf and Rabbit from Animated Film Nu Pogodi

New Year Wolf and Rabbit from Animated Film Nu Pogodi

New Year Wolf and Rabbit from Animated Film Nu Pogodi - Bewertung: Bewertung:

New Year Wolf and Rabbit from Animated Film Nu Pogodi Beschreibung: 
Sweet memories, flashback of the animated film 'Nu Pogodi! (Issue 8, 1974). The action takes place for the New Year in a base for winter recreation. The wolf, disguised as Snow Maiden and the rabbit, dressed as Santa Claus, sing a Christmas song on the stage.
'Nu Pogodi!' (1969-2006) is a legendary attribute of childhood of all Russians, adored by millions of viewers. This masterpiece of Soviet animation, popular worldwide, is the Soviet version of 'Tom and Jerry'.

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