Home-Flowers-Orchids Bouquet

Orchids Bouquet

Orchids Bouquet - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Orchids Bouquet Beschreibung: 
Bouquet of pretty pink and purple ornamental orchids Cymbidium hybrid. The strong, seasonal cut tropical orchid is approx. 60cm high.
There are two basic types of Cymbidiums: standard and miniature. Generally, the miniatures bear smaller but more flowers than the standards and bloom from November through March, while standards bloom from late December through May.
The cool, mild coastal climate is perfect for growing cymbidiums outdoors, as long as they are protected from frost.
Orchids are renowned for their beautiful, long-lasting blooms. Potted cymbidium flowers can last 8-10 weeks and require very little care despite their exotic and fragile appearance.

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