Home-Art-Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary

Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary

Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary Puzzle Spiel

Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest HungaryOrnate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary

Ornate Ceiling in St.Stephen Basilica Budapest Hungary Beschreibung: 
An ornate ceiling in the interior of the golden dome above the sanctuary of the Roman Catholic Basilica St.Stephen in Budapest, Hungary.
The Basilica is named in honour of Saint Stephen I, the first King of Hungary (c 975–1038), whose 'incorruptible' right hand is housed in the reliquary. This is the most important church building in Hungary, rich in fine arts and one of the most significant tourist attractions.

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