Начало-Art-Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich

Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich

Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich пазл игру

Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in MunichPieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich

Pieta by Sandro Botticelli Alte Pinakothek in Munich Описание: 
'Pieta' (Lamentation over the dead Christ) is a painting (tempera on panel) by the Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, finished around 1490-1492, housed in the Alte Pinakothek, in Munich. The picture shows the lifeless body of Jesus Christ surrounded by the Virgin, St. Peter and Mary Magdalene, St. John the Evangelist, St. Jerome and St. Paul. 'Pieta' is an Italian word meaning 'pity', compassion and sorrow, and is associated with the artistic representation of the Virgin Mary's sorrow over the dead body of Jesus Christ.

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