Home-Flowers-Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol

Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol

Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State SymbolRhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol

Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol - Tags: - Tags: rhododendron, rhododendrons, macrophyllum, Washington, state, symbol, flowers, flower, Coast, Pacific, Big, Leaf
Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol - Datum: Datum: 22.04.2010 12:57
Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol - Hits: Hits: 12665
Rhododendron Macrophyllum the Washington State Symbol Beschreibung: 
The Rhododendron Macrophyllum (pink Coast, Pacific or Big Leaf Rhododendron) is the Washington state symbol, choosen by Women's Congress in 1892.

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