Home-Cartoons-Saint Patricks Flag Photoshop by Lucianomorelli

Saint Patricks Flag Photoshop by Lucianomorelli

Saint Patricks Flag Photoshop by Lucianomorelli - Rating: Rating:

Saint Patricks Flag Photoshop by Lucianomorelli Description: 
Picture of a flag with an image of Saint Patrick on a background of shamrock, a complicated photoshop by Lucianomorelli from the contest's gallery on St. Patrick's theme by 'Freaking News'.
The Saint Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland, celebrated on the 17th of March. The famous Irishman who is associated with St. Patrick's Day was born with the name of Maewyn in Wales and was sold into slavery by vandals. After he managed to run away to the Gaul monastery, he began with studies of the Christianity and his mission for thirty years was to make the whole of Ireland a Christian country. One of the symbols associated with this holiday is a shamrock with three leaves, which symbolizes the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, faith, hope and charity, or past, present and future.

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