Home-Art-Snowmen by Dona Gelsinger

Snowmen by Dona Gelsinger

Snowmen by Dona Gelsinger - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Snowmen by Dona Gelsinger Puzzle Spiel

Snowmen by Dona GelsingerSnowmen by Dona Gelsinger

Snowmen by Dona Gelsinger Beschreibung: 
A beautiful Christmas painting by the American artist Dona Gelsinger, with cute snowmen on the background of the white snow-covered trees.
Dona Gelsinger was born in 1960 near Los Angeles, California, USA, and liked to draw from early childhood.
After its completion study at the University of California, she worked as a full-time artist of one of the corporations in southern California and later decided to create her own studio.
Dona Gelsinger is known among the collectors with her heartwarming art that makes people happy.

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