Начало-Holidays-Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China

Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China

Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing ChinaSpring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China

Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: spring, festival, festivals, festive, atmosphere, atmospheres, Ditan, Park, parks, Beijing, China, holidays, holiday, celebrations, celebration, places, place, travel, travels, tour, tours, trips, trip, excursion, excursions, busiest, fairs, fair
Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China - Дата: Дата: 12.02.2011 20:15
Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China - Просмотров: Просмотров: 8812
Spring Festival Festive Atmosphere at Ditan Park Beijing China Описание: 
Festive atmosphere at Ditan Park, one of the busiest fairs in Beijing, during the Spring Festival in China.

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