Home-Art-Stairway of Dreams by Josephine Wall

Stairway of Dreams by Josephine Wall

Stairway of Dreams by Josephine Wall - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Stairway of Dreams by Josephine Wall Beschreibung: 
'Stairway of Dreams' by Josephine Wall, is a captivating painting, where the English fantasy artist combines with a remarkable vividness detailed descriptions of wonderful stories and magical dreams.
Sitting in her favorite place of the stairs, lit by the warm glow of a candle, a young girl is drifting off to sleep and sinks into the mysterious world of the subconscious and imagination with countless images and heroes from hers storybook. While the clouds of dreams come alive, the blond hair that descends on the back of the girl and the complicated details of the nightgown look so real.

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