Начало-Art-Summer Breeze and Angelees Angel by Josephine Wall

Summer Breeze and Angelees Angel by Josephine Wall

Summer Breeze and Angelees Angel by Josephine Wall - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Summer Breeze and Angelees Angel by Josephine Wall Описание: 
'Summer Breeze' and 'Angelee's Angel' are two wonderful paintings by the popular English artist and sculptor Josephine Wall (born May 1947 in Farnham, Surrey, UK). Josephine Wall is internationally renowned for her enchanting and intricate fantasy images, created with a remarkable passion for light, color, and visual story-telling. Her artworks are mystical, surreal-like, detailed paintings that radiate positive energy and a sense of admiration, and invite us on an enchanting journey through the magical world of imagination. Much of the inspiration for her mystical images comes from close observation of the nature and her interest in its preservation.

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