Home-Nature-Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti

Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti

Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti Puzzle Spiel

Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto MelottiSunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti

Sunrise in Snowy Woods by Roberto Melotti Beschreibung: 
The great photo, named 'Sunrise in the Snowy Woods', was taken by Roberto Melotti on Mar 21, 2013 in Casentino Forests, Monte Falterona, Campigna National Park, Italy.
The incredible tunnel formed by the covered with fluffy snow crowns of trees, overhanging the pathway and the magical reflection of sunlight on the snow, look like a shot from the wonderland fairy tale.

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