Home-Art-The Gathering Place by Darrell Bush

The Gathering Place by Darrell Bush

The Gathering Place by Darrell Bush - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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The Gathering Place by Darrell BushThe Gathering Place by Darrell Bush

The Gathering Place by Darrell Bush Beschreibung: 
'The Gathering Place' by the American artist Darrell Bush, is a painting, depicting a beautiful witer scene with two bald eagles, perched on a tree branch.
Darrell Bush is an internationally collected artist. He paints a variety of subjects ranging from wildlife, to landscapes, seascapes, nostalgia, and even an occasional still life.
Darrell Bush has contributed several print editions to The Boy Scouts of America fundraising programs. In addition, a number of conservation organizations have also benefited from his generosity.

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