Начало-Art-The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov

The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov

The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid AfremovThe Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov

The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: golden, skies, sky, Venice, art, arts, magnificent, contemporary, painting, paintings, oil, canvas, palette, knife, Russian, Israeli, artist, artists, Italian, paradise, color, palette, palettes, scenery, real, festive, solemn, gondola, gondolas, picturesque, canal, canals
The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov - Дата: Дата: 18.01.2021 07:57
The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov - Просмотров: Просмотров: 5512
The Golden Skies of Venice by Leonid Afremov Описание: 
'The Golden Skies of Venice ' is a magnificent contemporary painting (oil on canvas with palette knife) by the Russian-Israeli artist Leonid Afremov (1955-2019), painted after his visiting Venice, the Italian paradise.
The bright color palette makes the scenery looks so real, festive and solemn, that you can imagine being there and sailing on a gondola down this picturesque canal.

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