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The Last Supper of Christ and the Eucharist in Christian Iconography

The Last Supper of Christ and the Eucharist in Christian Iconography - Bewertung: Bewertung:

The Last Supper of Christ and the Eucharist in Christian Iconography Beschreibung: 
On Holy Thursday, it is celebrated 'The Last Supper' of Jesus Christ before his death. The Eucharist has been a key theme in the depiction of the Last Supper in Christian iconography. Eucharist (also called Holy Communion) is a Christian ceremony dedicated to the Last Supper, a rite, considered by most Christian churches as a sacrament, when is consumed consecrated bread and wine. The bread and wine are elements that are used as symbols that represent the body and blood of Christ, to remember his enduring sacrifice. According to some New Testament books, Jesus Christ gave his disciples bread and wine during the Passover meal and told his followers 'Do this in memory of me', referring to the bread as 'my body' and the wine as 'my blood'.

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