Home-Places-Tower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UK

Tower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UK

Tower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UK - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Tower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UKTower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UK

Tower Bridge and Olympic Rings glowing over the River Thames in London UK Beschreibung: 
The Tower Bridge, one of the most iconic landmarks in the capital of UK and the Olympic rings are glowing over the Thames River at the evening on July 23, 2012. The unveiling of the rings have coincided with one-month countdown until the 2012 London Olympics. The rings are 25 metres wide, 11.5 metres tall with weight of three tonnes.

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