Home-Art-Tutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Tutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo EgyptTutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun Necklace Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt Beschreibung: 
Fragment from the necklace of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (1343 BC-1325 BC), found in his tomb and exhibited at Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, Egypt, on which are depicted right eye of the falcon-god Re, the serpent Uadjit and the vulture Nekhebit, probably worn for ceremonial purposes.

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