Home-Art-Tutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Tutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo EgyptTutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt

Tutankhamun with Wife on Golden Throne Museum of Antiquities in Cairo Egypt Beschreibung: 
The Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (1343 BC-1325 BC), also known as King Tut, who becomes a Pharaoh when he has been 9 years old, together with his wife Ankhesenamun, whose name means the 'Key to the Essence of the Moon' (Love of God), one of the daughters of King Akhenaten and Nefertiti, depicted on the back panel of the golden throne, at Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, Egypt.

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