Начало-Food-Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart

Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart

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Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate HeartValentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart

Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: Valentines, day, days, cappuccino, chocolate, heart, hearts, food, foods, holiday, holidays, feast, feasts, cup, cups, aromatic, warm, powder, powders, shape, shapes, template, templates, cardboard, cardboards, Italian, coffee, drink, drinks, traditionally, espresso, hot, milk, foam
Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart - Дата: Дата: 23.02.2014 18:26
Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart - Просмотров: Просмотров: 7439
Valentines Day Cappuccino with Chocolate Heart Описание: 
A cup of aromatic and warm cappuccino for Valentine's Day, decorated with chocolate powder in shape of heart, using a template from cardboard. Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink that is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed-milk foam.

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