Home-Places-West Bay City Panorama of Doha Qatar

West Bay City Panorama of Doha Qatar

West Bay City Panorama of Doha Qatar - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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West Bay City Panorama of Doha QatarWest Bay City Panorama of Doha Qatar

West Bay City Panorama of Doha Qatar Beschreibung: 
The futuristic urban panorama of West Bay City as viewed from the Grand Mosque Doha, Qatar.
Doha is the capital and largest city of the Arab state of Qatar.
West Bay is an area in Doha, Qatar that encompasses the city's east coast districts, namely, Al Qassar, Al Dafna, West Bay Lagoon and Onaiza. West Bay includes many modern buildings unlike other, older districts of Doha. Some of the tallest skyscrapers in Qatar are found in this area.

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