Начало-Art-Winter Mood by Marcello Corti

Winter Mood by Marcello Corti

Winter Mood by Marcello Corti - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Winter Mood by Marcello Corti пазл игру

Winter Mood by Marcello CortiWinter Mood by Marcello Corti

Winter Mood by Marcello Corti - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: winter, mood, Marcello, Corti, art, arts, holiday, holidays, beatiful, illustration, illustrations, Italian, artist, artists, robin, robins, snowy, bush, bushes, berries, berry, family, of, artists, family, painters, painter, sculptors, sculptor, poets, poet, job, jobs, watercolor, oil, pencil, charcoal
Winter Mood by Marcello Corti - Дата: Дата: 03.01.2021 09:11
Winter Mood by Marcello Corti - Просмотров: Просмотров: 4960
Winter Mood by Marcello Corti Описание: 
Beatiful illustration of 'Winter mood' by the Italian artist Marcello Corti, depicting robin on a snowy dog-rose bush with red berries.
He descended from a family of artists, painters, sculptors and poets. To be more independent and spend more time with his family, illustration became his main job. He uses the modern means, to simulate the various techniques such as watercolor, oil, pencil and charcoal.

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