Principal-Art-Winter Still Life by Sergei Boyev

Winter Still Life by Sergei Boyev

Winter Still Life by Sergei Boyev - Clasificación Clasificación

Winter Still Life by Sergei Boyev juego de puzzle

Winter Still Life by Sergei BoyevWinter Still Life by Sergei Boyev

Winter Still Life by Sergei Boyev Descripción 
Beautiul winter still life by the Russian artist Sergei Boyev, oil on canvas, featuring two bullfinches perched on snow-covered bird feeder, attached to a birch trunk, and a basket with branches of rowan berries on it.
Sergei Boyev was born in Kursk in 1973, where he graduated from the art and graphics faculty of KSPU. His talent was noticed early, and already in 1986 he became the winner of the children's drawings competition in Stuttgart (Germany).
His magnificent paintigs with games of light and shadow, and amd combinations of shades, create an impression of saturation and volume.
Close to the viewer are the winter landscapes, paintings of flowers, a separate topic of clowns, urban landscapes with streets, ancient boulevards, colorful pavement.

deutsch english bulgarian russian spanish 
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