Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet puzzle game

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Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet - puzzle game#1208

Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet. Solve free online Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet puzzle game

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Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet puzzle game #1208

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Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet

Two works by Amadeo Modigliani - 'Portrait of Beatrice Hastings' (1916, oil on canvas, private collection), a talented and eccentric English woman, a circus artist, journalist, poetess, traveler, art critic, mistress and a preferred model of Modigliani, and 'Portrait of Raymond Radiguet' (1915, oil on canvas, private collection), a French author (1903-1923) associated with the Modernist set, friend of Picasso, Max Jacob, Jean Hugo, Juan Gris and especially of Jean Cocteau, who became his mentor.

Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet Tags: Amadeo, Modigliani, portrait, portraits, Beatrice, Hastings, Raymond, Radiguet, art, arts, painter, painters, artist, artists, sculptor, sculptors, Expressionist, Expressionists, works, work, 1916, oil, canvas, canvases, private, collection, collections, talented, eccentric, English, woman, women, circus, journalist, journalists, poetess, poets, traveler, travelers, critic, critics, mistress, mistresses, preferred, model, models, 1915, French, author, autors, Modernist, set, sets, friend, friends, Picasso, Max, Jacob, Jean, Hugo, Juan, Gris, especially, Cocteau, mentor, mentors
Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet - Date: Date: 15.12.2010 10:37
Amadeo Modigliani Portrait of Beatrice Hastings and Portrait of Raymond Radiguet - Played: Played: 11575

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