Home-Autos-BMW Dixi DA2

BMW Dixi DA2

BMW Dixi DA2 - Bewertung: Bewertung:

BMW Dixi DA2 Puzzle Spiel

BMW Dixi DA2BMW Dixi DA2

BMW Dixi DA2 - Tags: - Tags: BMW, Dixi, DA2, autos, auto, cars, car, automobiles, automobile, retro
BMW Dixi DA2 - Datum: Datum: 24.03.2010 16:33
BMW Dixi DA2 - Hits: Hits: 19042
BMW Dixi DA2 Beschreibung: 
Dixi was the first car by BMW. In the difficult climate of the 1920s BMW looked to enter the small car market. In 1927 BMW agreed with Austin Motor Company to build a variant of the Austin-7. BMW Dixi DA2 was nearly identical to Austin with left-hand drive and metric fasteners.

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