Home-Flowers-Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA

Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA

Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA Puzzle Spiel

Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USASpring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA

Spring Flowers Jumblie Daffodils McCrillis Gardens Bethesda Maryland USA Beschreibung: 
'Jumblie' daffodils (cyclamen daffodil, narcissus 'Jumblie') from the McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, lovely miniature spring flowers, with heady fragrance, combination of jasmine and hyacinth, which are widespread to regions of Western Europe.

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