Начало-Show-Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight

Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight

Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight пазл игру

Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in FlightAir Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight

Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: air, show, shows, UK, Spitfire, historic, aircraft, aircrafts, Second, World, War, wars, flight, flights, event, events, entertainment, entertainments, place, places, travel, travels, tour, tours, battle, battles, Britain, memorial, best, fighters, fighter, active, service, services, 1954
Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight - Дата: Дата: 16.05.2011 15:15
Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight - Просмотров: Просмотров: 12157
Air Show UK Spitfire Historic Aircraft from Second World War in Flight Описание: 
Spitfire in flight at air show in UK, one of the five historic aircraft in the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and one of the best fighters from the Second World War. During the 1930s and '40s were built about 20,000 aircraft. Spitfire was retired from active service in 1954.

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