Home-Animals-Cheetah Mother with Cubs in Otjitotongwe Farm Namibia Africa

Cheetah Mother with Cubs in Otjitotongwe Farm Namibia Africa

Cheetah Mother with Cubs in Otjitotongwe Farm Namibia Africa - Rating: Rating:

Cheetah Mother with Cubs in Otjitotongwe Farm Namibia Africa Description: 
A cheetah mother with cubs in Otjitotongwe Cheetah Farm, a home to a non-profit organization, aimed at conserving the cheetahs in a natural environment, situated in north-eastern Namibia, the country with the largest population of cheetahs in southern Africa. It is suposed that in the world there are left less than 7,500 cheetahs, as 25% of these live in Namibia, mostly in private cattle farms.

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